Best Practices – Exploratory Case Studies
Following the selection work conducted at the focus group session in Lisbon with regional health community representatives, the following best practices on entrepreneurial competence building were shortlisted to be further developed as exploratory case studies:
- CBS Master’s in Business Administration & Innovation in Healthcare (Denmark)
- Patient Innovation Bootcamp Boosting Patient Entrepreneurship (Portugal)
- BII Summer School – Innovation & Commercialization of your Life Sciences Project (Denmark)
- Novo Nordisk Foundation Paid Fellowship Program for Biomedical Design (Denmark)
- KTH Master’s in Innovative Technology for Healthy Living (Sweden)
The 5 selected Best Practices were analysed in terms of their “seed to fruit” context, their interaction and interconnectedness with the local ecosystem, and their approach to clinical innovation. Exploratory case studies were conducted via interviews. For each Best Practice, the HealthEConnect team has interviewed various groups, including teachers, directors, alumni and current students, mentors, as well as employers and recruiters from start-ups and companies specialized in Health tech.
The HealthEConnect Projects aims to develop a Health Tech innovation and entrepreneurship program launched in Lisbon, at Nova SBE in partnership with Nova Medical School. The program will be developed following a co-design and user-centred approach, based on Nova SBE and Nova NMS available resources, on the collected Best Practices, and on a co-design retreat with members of Copenhagen and Lisbon Health Innovation Ecosystems.
You can check the exploratory case studies here.